When buying wines, there are many factors to think about. These Wine Shop Tips will give you the upper hand.
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Walking into a wine shop and selecting a given brand requires that you have some useful tips on the same. One of the best tips is that you should only buy wine from good shops. However, this may not always be possible as sometimes buying wine is a last minute thing. Thus, you need to know what to look for when wine-shopping in gas stations, questionable shops, and the likes. Here’s how:
Wine Shop Tips: Buying Wine
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No Help
When getting wine from a non-wine specific shop, knowledgeable assistance will be hard to find. Whereas in a good wine shop many experts are willing to guide you in the selection, things are different here. Thus, you will not come across someone willing and able to walk you through the process. The best thing to do is to go in, skim through the selections and make a pick. Furthermore, you should do some research before embarking on the purchase.
Fake Wine: ‘Wine Product’
There are regions where the laws in place prohibit the sale of wine with a given alcoholic percentage. Thus, if you come across wine labeled as 5.5% ABV, the chances are high that it is a wine product. As such, it is a watered-down concoction that is also full of sugar. The result is nasty, and you are better off downing some beer. In such a case, look for another wine shop and save yourself the trouble.
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Whether you are looking for a wine costing 10 dollars or 30, they will get something for you.
Inspect Bottles
You may think that you are not in a good wine shop based on its appearance. However, flipping some bottles will help you figure out how reliable their products are. If you see names such as Kermit Lynch, you can thank your lucky stars as you are in good hands. In such a case, you can freely choose from the selections, and you are sure to enjoy the product.
Pay Attention To Labels & Packaging
Most good wines come in 750 ml packaging with little aesthetic improvements. Thus, if you see a wine packaged in sparkly, ostentatious labels, be sure to stay away. The chances are high that the product does not match the labeling and you will be disappointed.
Think Global
While it is true that there are cheap wines in the USA, it is quite hard to find them. Thus, you are better off looking for affordable wines from other regions in the world. Take an example of Chile and France. With about thirteen dollars in hand, you can get a high-quality wine.
Wine-Specific Shops
It is quite easy to enter a store, grab a bottle, check out and head out without much thought. However, it is more rewarding to spend more time in the selection. It not only allows you to get the most delicious wine but also saves you some money.
In the case of a quality wine shop, talking to the experts around is quite helpful. The first thing you want to get out of the way is how much you wish to spend. Given that the attendants cannot read your mind, it is best to get them on the same page. Whether you are looking for a wine costing 10 dollars or 30, they will get something for you. It also helps them narrow down their selections to those within your range. The word affordable does not cut it, and you do need to be specific regarding your budget.
Visual Images
Suppose you wish to purchase a particular wine, there is an easy way to get it: a photo. When you show this photo to the attendees, they can handle it in many ways. If they lack the given brand, they will look into other wines by that winery. They can also get you wines of the same grape variety or region. In this way, you can sample something quite similar to your choice. You can additionally come up with a photo album which will further help the attendants in wine selections for you.
Think About Pairings
Most wines work for specific occasions, and you should have this in mind during selections. One way to zero in on your choices is to consider the meal you plan to serve alongside the wine. Suppose you plan on making lamb chops, the attendants will walk you through the cabernet sauvignon options available. Thus, you will avoid a situation where your wine does not pair well with the foods you love.
The last way in which you can successfully buy wine is to go to a renowned shop. Here, experts can guide you through their best red wine options as well as their best white wine varieties. You can also opt to purchase wine from online shops where they give extensive selections. Thus, the next time you are looking for the best red wine, you know what to do.